Celebrating 200 Sweet Years 1825 - 2025!
Celebrating 200 Sweet Years 1825 - 2025!
Celebrating 200 Sweet Years 1825-2025
Maple Syrup is a tradition seven generations in the making on Goodell Family Farm. In 1825, Jonas Goodell purchased the original 130 acre farmstead in Shalersville, Ohio and established maple sugar making for the Goodells. Today, we continue tapping trees, boiling syrup, and making maple products on this same farm.
Today the major focus of the farm is dairying, supported by an certified organic intensive grazing program, but maple syrup has been produced since the beginning of the farm.
The Goodells employ many modern production methods to produce high quality maple syrup in a efficient method. The sugar bush includes 4,900 taps on a vacuum tubing system and utilizes reverse osmosis to remove up to 75% of the water before boiling. This speeds up the syrup making process and greatly reduces fuel usage. In 2008, Goodell Family Farm’s maple syrup was certified organic.
In 2025 we are celebrating our bicentennial with the construction of a brand new sugarhouse. This new facility will allow us to continue this great tradition for the next generation.
In the early 1980's Virginia Goodell began promoting maple syrup by starting a pancake breakfast. This breakfast soon became popular and was a staple on Sundays in March at the Shalersville Town Hall. In recent years, we have passed the breakfast over to Christ Lutheran Church. It is now a fundraiser for sending their youth to the LCMS National Youth Gathering. It will be held one day only on the 3rd Saturday of March.
The maple syrup produced at the Goodells has received numerous awards on a local, state, and international level. We take great pride in producing top quality syrup for our customers!
Maple Syrup is truly an American product. It is produced in the area surrounding the Great Lakes. When the early settlers arrived in this country, they found the Indians in this region producing and using maple syrup and sugar.
They soon learned how to make these products and maple syrup and sugar became staples in the pantries of New England families. Often they were the only sweeteners available.
Later as they crossed the Alleghenies, they brought with them the knowledge of the art of maple syrup making. Here this art has been handed down into an industry unique to the Northeastern United States, with Ohio making significant contributions. In the mid 1800's Ohio was the nation's leading producer of maple sugar!
North America is the only place in the world that maple syrup is produced. In the United States there are 12 maple producing states and each year Ohio is ranked 4th or 5th in maple production. The maple industry contributes $5 million to the state's economy each year. In 1840 Ohio was the largest maple producing state, as recorded by the U.S. Agricultural Census.
Some additional interesting facts about Ohio maple: